What is kegal exercise?

Although there is little scientific evidence for this, some doctors believe kegel (pronounced kee-gull) have the potential to make sex more enjoyable. Kegel are exercises of the pelvic floor muscles that strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, support the pelvic organs and contribute to the control of incontinence (urine and intestinal gas). Kegel exercises can help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

This can be helpful if you have pain during intercourse or during a pelvic exam. It can also help to boost sexual arousal. This can help you to cope with or prevent physical problems such as incontinence. Incontinence is the leakage of urine (peeing, stool or pee) that cannot be controlled.

About Your Pelvic Floor Muscles

Figure 1 shows your pelvic floor muscles and organs. Your pelvic floor muscles form the lower part of your pelvis and support your pelvic organs such as the uterus, bladder and intestine. These are the muscles you use to stop your urine flow, keep yourself from accelerating and have bowel movements (pooping). These are also the muscles that contract and tighten during orgasm.

Benefits of kegal exercise?

Great sex for you and your partner with Kegals

The pelvic floor muscles are vital when it comes to orgasm. They are responsible for the pleasant contractions that can be felt in the genitals during orgasm. When it comes to sex, Kegel exercises can make the vagina firmer, which can help to increase the intensity of the orgasm.

The training of the pelvic floor muscles leads to an increased blood circulation in the pelvic region. Increased blood circulation increases sexual arousal, lubrication and ability to orgasm. When muscles are healthy, orgasms are more intense and last longer. Women who have difficulty reaching orgasm may have weaker pelvic floor muscles.

Flexible pelvic floor muscles allow more comfortable vaginal penetration. A strong pelvic floor allows women to hold their partner tightly during penetration, which is more comfortable for both.

Strengthen pelvic floor muscles with the Intimate Rise vaginal weight exercise system. Women with painful penetrations should see a physiotherapist for vaginismus, a painful involuntary contraction of the vaginal muscles. It is a treatable condition that, with good training, can lead to pleasant intercourse without pelvic pain.

Even if you have good sex, it can be difficult to get the big O. Orgasms can also be hit or missed. In fact, only 25% of women report that they reach their peak during intercourse.

All of this makes the rest of us want a little more, well, pretty much everything else, really, really good.

Kegel can help tighten your pubococcygeal muscles (PC), which is one of the muscles that contract during orgasm. Since orgasmic contractions are voluntary, the more toned they are, the easier it is for the body to use them to orgasm. Some women report that they can climax in this position, whether they do it or not, and some women even have multiple orgasms. Since fewer women have orgasm during vaginal intercourse, you can increase your chances by strengthening your pelvic floor. 

Improve overall fitness with Kegals

Habits such as sitting for long periods, repetitive movements and injuries during pregnancy can have devastating effects on your body in many ways. Prolonged sitting can lead to general deconditioning, aerobic fitness and strength. Stretching the abdominal muscles during pregnancy weakens the core. Carrying weight on a pregnant belly pulls at your center of gravity, which can cause back pain.

Weight gain is common in a busy life with work, childcare and social activities. Hormones during pregnancy can cause the ligaments to loosen, making awkwardness and injury more likely. Regular exercise can mitigate these effects and help you get into shape before and after giving birth.

Tightening the pelvic floor reduces the risk of pelvic organ prolapse, incontinence and painful sexual intercourse. The pelvic floor can become weaker during prolonged sitting due to injuries to the hip and lower pelvis after birth, so it is essential to add pelvic floor exercises to your regular exercise routine.

Help pelvic health during menopause with kegal exercises

This is what cones do for your tissue - squeeze out the old blood and draw in fresh blood to help restore and strengthen it. During the menopause, fluctuating oestrogen levels can lead to lower blood flow to the pelvic floor muscles and a general decrease in muscle tone. Think of the pelvic floor as a soapy sponge you squeeze out of clean water : squeeze in the soap, fill it with fresh water and then loosen the grip on the sponge.

Recover from childbirth with kegals

If you deliver your baby by caesarean section, the pelvic floor muscles can become weak during pregnancy. This weakness can worsen during vaginal birth and lead to a rupture of the pelvic floor muscle or an episiotomy.

The good news is that these muscles can heal faster than other muscles and that they can respond with improved strength to kegel exercises in other muscles. If you are pregnant, it is important to discuss your exercise program with your doctor. You can start strengthening the pelvic floor before pregnancy and strengthen it further during pregnancy with Kegel exercises, as long as you do not experience contractions in the uterus during the exercises. 

Kegals can reduce pelvic organ prolapse

A pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a condition where one or more pelvic organs press against the vaginal wall. This happens when the pelvic floor muscles and their ligaments are stretched or weakened, such as during pregnancy or childbirth. Although it is not life-threatening, it can cause pain, anxiety and problems with the bladder and bowel. It can also lead to a general reduction in the joy of living. Women can develop POP through long heavy lifting, work, exercise or more chronic conditions such as constipation, periods, severe coughing or obesity.

A herniated pelvis is a condition characterized by a feeling of pressure between the pelvis and vagina. You can feel it when the pelvic organs become heavy and fall out of the body. The feeling can be worse after evening exercise or physical exertion, such as heavy lifting. The descending organ can be viewed with a hand mirror or by observing the vaginal opening. The organ can also be felt in different degrees by placing a finger on the opening.

It is estimated that up to 50% of women who have had children suffer some degree of prolapse. It is not uncommon to experience a drop or two when urinating, standing on the toilet, pulling down underwear or pulling up pants. Pops can be caused by tears or weakening of the pelvic floor muscles themselves or the tendons that hang up the organs.

Prolonged pushing during labor and childbirth (pushing for more than two and a half hours), tear of the pelvic floor during childbirth and birth of a large baby are factors that may cause prolapse. Women who undergo a C-section may in some cases get POP if they apply too much pressure during labour or undergo a C-section. Sit-ups, crunches and heavy lifting should be avoided, as these can also lead to prolapse or exacerbate it. Age is another factor in the development of POPs, and about 50% of women are 50 years or older. Women at second or third birth have a higher risk of developing POP.

The good news is that cones can help strengthen pelvic floor muscles to better support pelvic organs to reduce prolapse. Urethrocele prolapse is when the urethra is lower than the anterior vaginal wall, and cystocele is when there is a prolapse of the bladder in the upper anterior vaginal walls. Uterovaginal prolapse is the descent of the uterus (cervix) into the upper part of the vagina. Rectoceles are prolapse when the rectum lies in the lower wall of the vaginal vagina, and enteroceles are when there is prolapse of the upper back (the part of the vagina that encompasses parts of the small intestine). Pops are classified as the basic organ, i.e. The organ that falls into the pelvic shell.

A low-level prolapse can be cured, and a moderate prolapse can be reduced to a point where it does not affect daily life and activities. 

Kegals can help prevent bladder leakage

The pelvic floor muscles support the bladder, uterus and rectum. When these muscles are not strong and coordinated, the bladder and neck have less support for sphincter occlusion.

This can lead to incontinence (i.e. Stress-urinary incontinence Bladder leakage can also occur during strenuous movements such as exercise, lifting heavy objects, coughing, sneezing or laughing.

Kegel are the best cure for urinary incontinence.

Kegals can help improve back and hip support

It is estimated that 38% of women with urinary loss have lower back pain, and Kegel can cure this condition. Here are 7 of the many benefits that women derive from Kegel exercises. The pelvic muscles are a component of the inner core muscles that support the trunk and hips. These muscles work in coordination with the deeper layers of the abdomen to support the spine, and they are connected to the deeper hip rotation muscles to ensure hip stability. If these muscles do not have optimal strength and coordination, this can affect the joints of the pelvis, coccyx and lower spine.

If you are interested in learning more about real cones and how women can achieve more with the products we offer at Intimate Rose, be sure to check out our blog and shop.

Doing kegal exercises

It is best to distribute 2 to 3 units of Kegel exercises throughout the day. Once you learn how to contract your pelvic floor muscles, perform these sessions for the best results. 


Once you are familiar with Kegel exercises, you should be able to perform them in any position or place, such as standing or waiting in line. Most people prefer to do it lying on a bed or sitting in a chair. As soon as you start to move into a comfortable position, your body becomes more relaxed.

Breathe in through your nose and let your belly rise until it is filled with air. Exhale through your mouth as you contract your pelvic floor muscles. Keep them relaxed as you inhale and exhale. Hold the tense muscles for 3 to 6 seconds or until your muscles tire and you can exhale.

Relax your muscles for 6 to 10 seconds. This is called contraction. Breathe in and release the contraction slowly.

Spend the same time relaxing your muscles as you contract them. It is important that when you relax between contractions, you do not hold your breath. Repeat this exercise 10 times during the session.

Kegel exercises are not harmful, but may not be suitable for everyone. If you are in pain when you do these exercises, stop doing them.

When done right, most people find it relaxing. They are also not very painful, so there is nothing to do.

If you feel pain during a Kegel exercise, you should not do it, or it is not suitable for you. Contact your healthcare provider to discuss what to do next. 

When to progress to longer contractions

Your goal is to hold a strong contraction for 10 seconds 10 times in a row. Make sure you take a deep breath while holding the contraction. If your pelvic floor muscles do not get tired after 3 to 6 seconds of contraction and they do not get tired after doing 10 Kegel exercises in a row, then you can hold contractions for 6 to 10 seconds and then relax your muscles after 10 seconds.

If you have difficulties with the Kegel exercises, consult a physiotherapist who specialises in the pelvic floor. You can contact your healthcare provider for a referral.

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